Here's how it works:
Following the guidelines and recommendations of Center for Disease Control, The Association of Professional Dog Trainers, Certification Counsel of Professional Dog Trainers, and American Kennel Club
One-on-One training will resume with the following restrictions:
- A safe distance of 6 feet will be practiced
- All handling of the dog will be done by the clients
- Will not share training tools, toys, or treats
What will be expected of the trainer:
- A face mask will be worn
- Disinfectant paper towels / wipes will be used
- Hand washing and/or sanitizer will be used before and after all training sessions
- Will conduct no more than three separate One-on-One training sessions per day
- Will cancel/postpone the session if feeling ill
- Will disclose and cancel/postpone sessions if exposed to the virus within the previous 14 days or have a sick family member at home
- Will provide online training options and video tutorials for clients who cannot meet in-person
What will be expected by the clients:
- A face mask will be asked to be worn
- Hand washing and/or sanitizing before and after each session should take place
- Will contact trainer no less than 1 hour before the session to cancel if feeling ill or have a sick family member in the home
- Will disclose if been exposed to the virus within the previous 14 days
- Will not hold trainer responsible if becomes ill or a family member becomes ill