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Adult Dog Group Class

Introduction to Dog Sports

June 4 - June 25

Tuesdays from 7-8pm

$115 for 4-week series

(For 1 person & 1 dog)

Dogs need to be both physically and mentally healthy!

Dog Sport is the perfect solution to get out there and be active with your dog, and they will thrive with the extra stimulation!

Your dog will learn and grow with:

  • Agility
  • Disc Dog
  • Treibball
  • Canine Freestyle

Trainer: Tracy Crotts, AKC Trainer & Evaluator

Prerequisite: None

All Dogs must be current on all vaccinations. If your dog reacts negatively toward other dogs or people or has severe behavior issues, these classes will not be a good fit. Contact Understanding Your Dog for private sessions, which will be the better option.

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