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You Can Be the Leader–Kids Dog Training Classes!

July 9 - July 30

Tuesdays from 7-8pm


(for 1 person and 1 dog)

All children can play a leading role in teaching new behaviors to the family dog ~ but even children ages 7-10 years can participate in the process.

All ages of children can take pride in knowing they have taught the dog something new.

In this 4-week class series, we will teach your child ~ and your dog:

  • Fun Tricks
  • Dog Handling Work
  • Important Body Language

And most importantly ~ teaching your dog to LISTEN to your child!

Class meets 4-Tuesday Evenings
July 9-30
7:00PM – 8:00PM


All Dogs must be current on all vaccinations. If your dog reacts negatively toward other dogs or people or has severe behavior issues, these classes will not be a good fit. Contact Understanding Your Dog for private sessions, which will be the better option.

You Can Be the Leader!

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